Here, four leading career coaches offer 10 bad workplace habits they've seen that send employees down the road to poor reviews. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Habit: You're addicted to email
In meetings, with clients, with your boss, you just can't stop scrolling through your BlackBerry. You think you're being productive by making sure you don't miss a message while stuck in the weekly sales meeting but your colleagues (particularly those speaking) see it as a personal insult. Constantly checking your smart phone conveys a real sense of arrogance, says Princeton, New Jersey-based communication coach Matt Eventoff.
How to break it:
Put the BlackBerry down," says Eventoff, "especially if you're in a meeting." Turn it off, put it away, leave it in your office. "If you're waiting for a particular, time-sensitive email, let your coworkers know beforehand," Eventoff says, "Otherwise your BlackBerry has no place at the meeting."
Habit: You're a brown-noser
Nobody likes a kiss-up, and in the office one too many well-placed compliments could leave you with this reviled reputation. Say yes to everything a higher-up asks for, and your teammates will easily resent your enthusiasm. Even worse, your boss might see through your constant congratulations and think you more a nuisance than a constructive team-member.
How to break it:
Take a look at the last 10 things you've said yes to, whether opinions of your supervisor or tasks around the office. Is there anything you disagree to when you think honestly about them? Learning to say no every now and then will show both your supervisors and your teammates that you actually have a spine.
Habit: You're a busy-body
Do you mind your own business or is your ear constantly perked for the latest gossip or office happenings? Check yourself. You habit of needing to be in the know is likely a source of stress for your coworkers. Whether it's the movement of colleagues within the company or who's meeting who for post-work cocktails, making everything your business spells trouble.
How to break it:
If it's information you need to perform in your position, schedule weekly meetings with colleagues and team meeting to stay on top of pertinent happenings. Otherwise wait for information to come to you and avoid the urge to jump into overheard conversations. If all else fails, invest in some headphones.
Habit: Your email etiquette is lacking
If your outbox reads more like a firing squad than friendly exchanges, it may be time to take a look at your communication style. "It's very rarely that emails are being perceived as too meek," says Eventoff. "As email has no tone, no emotions, no intonation, it's very easy for your short emails to be perceived as pushy, demanding or impatient."
How to break it:
If poor email habits persist, bad feelings are bound to brew in a team, Eventoff says. Make a habit of reading over emails before you send and gauge how they might be received, particularly if they're directed to someone outside of your office.
Habit: You're full of excuses
You may have forgotten the zip drive with your presentation notes, but you're not about to admit it. You don't know the answer to your supervisor's questions but try to talk your way around it. The result is that you've wasted not just your own time, but your manager's and colleagues' as well.
How to break it:
Set a reminder ten minutes before the start of every meeting on your docket, says Patrick Flannery, an executive advisor based in Arlington, Virginia. "Better 10 minutes of your own time to gather necessary papers and gather your thoughts then 20 minutes spent making excuses in front of colleagues."
Habit: You're a multi-tasking mess
Technology has made multi-tasking the norm in most workplaces, but experts say it's causing more problems than productivity. If you've been caught more than once missing pertinent information in emails or correspondence — especially deadlines, dollar signs or project elements—it might be a sign you're not as skilled at juggling tasks as you think, according to Roy Cohen, career consultant and author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide."
How to break it:
Make a conscious effort to focus on only the task (or phone call or email) in front of you. Read each email thoroughly and respond before moving on to the next. "And don't answer the phone until you're finished," Flannery warns. The habit of juggling different tasks is hard to break, but if your performance is suffering it's unavoidable.
Habit: You're a prima donna
"That's not in my job description." The problem with setting too many boundaries at work—whether it's saying no to tasks or assignments you feel aren't your responsibility, or keeping iron-clad 9-to-4:59 hours—is that when you think "self-protective," your coworkers think "jerk." And if that "somebody" are your colleagues and managers, you'll quickly find you've done yourself no favors by sticking to your guns. Chances are it's not in their contracts either.
How to break it:
The next time an unattractive task comes across your desk, ask yourself who'll have to tackle it if you pass it off. Recognize that in periods of downsizing, everyone must pick up extra slack—and your reputation will suffer if you make yourself the exception.
Habit: You're the office thief
If pens keep "appearing" on your desktop that are not yours, chances are you have a "borrowing" problem. Walking off with people's pens, staplers or favorite coffee mugs is never going to win you any love.
How to break it:
Label your own things, or at least stick to a certain, identifiable brand of pens. This may seem counter intuitive, says Flannery, but the second you see a pen on your desk that isn't "your brand," you'll make a conscious effort to remember whose it is -- and return it.
Habit: Your style does you no favors
Personal style is one thing. Questionable style is another. When your supervisor questions whether your look is "client-appropriate" you've got a fashion-work conflict that could cost you your next promotion.
How to break it:
Imagine the closet of the person you admire most at the office, Cohen suggests. How do they dress and why does it suit their position in the company? Imagine their daily wardrobe decisions. Then go shopping with your role model in mind.
Habit: You're quick-tempered
"An angry employee is a dangerous employee," says Cohen, who has spent twenty years coaching fiery execs. "Managers are wary of employees who are quick to anger. They know what 'going postal' means." If your blood pressure spikes every time the photocopier breaks down, or assistants scatter when you enter a room, it's time to reexamine your behavior. Uneasy or uncomfortable coworkers are unlikely to sing your praises.
How to break it:
To lose the reputation of a loose cannon, make an effort to pause before reacting to a stressful situation. Flannery suggests closing your office door and taking several deep breaths, and "by all means, avoid venting to coworkers before thinking it through." If all else fails, Cohen says to seek counseling. "Chances are you're angry about more than just the job."
by Meghan Casserly